Hypafix Bandage (Second Skin):
★ Keep your bandage on for 24 to 48 hours (it's waterproof).
★ Remove your bandage in the shower, after completing your normal shower routine.
★ When ready, run warm water over the bandage. Carefully lift one of the edges and slowly pull it away from you (like pulling off a command strip).
★ Once the bandage is off, gently clean your tattoo with unscented soap.
Alternative Bandage:
★ Leave your bandage on for at least 3 hours.
★ Clean your tattoo gently with unscented soap and warm water.
Every Day:
★ After removing your bandage, wash your tattoo 2-3 times a day with unscented soap and pat it dry with a clean paper towel.
Within The First 3 to 4 Days Without a Bandage:
★ Your tattoo will start to dry out and flake.
★ Wash it, then apply a very thin layer of unscented lotion.
★ Avoid over-moisturizing. Make sure your tattoo is completely dry before putting on moisturizer.
Extra Info:
★ Always wash your hands before cleaning your tattoo.
★ Avoid touching, scratching, or picking at your tattoo.
★ Wear loose clothing while your tattoo is healing.
★ No direct sunlight, baths, hot tubs, or swimming for 2-3 weeks.
★ Avoid using sunscreen until it’s fully healed.
★ Follow the aftercare routine, and you’ll be all set!
Products I Like to Use:
★ Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap (Spring Water)
★ Lubriderm Unscented Lotion or CeraVe Moisturizing Cream